Disegno nonsense

di gaia

Ero con Giovi… mi ha fatto fare uno scarabocchio e poi dallo scarabocchio ho fatto un disegno. Eh si persone vengono. Prima veniva solo Ari, adesso di mattina viene Ari e di pomeriggio viene Giovi. Quindi mi sa che non comincerò più ad andare al PC così presto.

Green Paladin Robert, Blue Paladin Lolly

di gaia

Caral: And we’ve finally arrived in Twinbrook. Connor: It’s much swampier and wetter than Sunset Valley. Alkir: Yes it is. All town have different grass and environment from each other. This place has more of a swamp feel, while Sunset Valley has more of a beachy suburban feel. Connor: So, we’re gonna find a paladin…

Some white-haired Keiths

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Canon Keith – white (greying) Keith – silver (greying) Keith – dark gray (greying) Keith – Altean-like white – Galra-like white – light blond platinum blond – red-white – orange-white – salmon – light ginger green-white – teal-white (TS3 Wainwright-like) – minty green – blue-white – violet-white – purple-white – Galra-like purple

White haired Keef (OxO)

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Keith Akira Kogane from Voltron Legendary Defender. But with white hair and an overall somewhat more Galra-like appearance.

Pojiflax Fashion!

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Instead of cosplays, me and Ari-chan are instead trying, anime-inspired fashion not based on a specific character. This is because I’m not in a specific fandom anymore. And for Pokésimstron Overwhoniverse, that’s not a fandom. That’s a religion I had. And I had that religion because I was stoned.

At the cosplay randomizer!

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I’m going to be a steampunk, lolita, berry-sweet Miku Hatsune! Kupo! (OxO) Ari-chan (the girl who my dad decided to hire so she can keep company to me while my parents are at work. This is because I’m a bit silly.) is going to be a fantasy devil version of Yellow from PokéSpe. My sister,…

Space Adventures theme song lyrics

di gaia

Not much long ago, but far away… a wonderful story happens! It all starts in an average town, named Smile Gardens. And in this town, little Amy Sinclair was born and grew up, never thinking her life could end up straordinary, yet… One day she woke up on a spaceship, she met the queen and…

Sim Throwback of 2017 (Luna Starshine, I think her name is)

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This is Luna Starshine, an old CAS sim of mine. She is an alien that crashlanded to Twinbrook and joined the music carreer but also likes the Logic skill and has beaten some people at the chess rankings, and made the potions. She also ended up dating Charmaine Manne and became best friends with Dilly…

wott boi

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Just some little animu talksprite things of Voltron and 177776 Football characters. Made with Lunaii dollmaker.

Amazon aestethic (and little fic about them)

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“We’re the Amazons. Deep in the Amazon rainforest, in a long lost village, female archers are fighting to become the leaders. I was the daughter of the previous leader… My name is Kaihulu ni’Vrae, which in Amazon means, the one who never fears the night. This night, I had a dream. I’ll travel and save…

“Zukcoh e Pomodà”, me and my sister’s parody “ATLA fic”!

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NARRATORE: Tanto, ma tanto tempo fa… VOCE: Qua ci pensiamo noi a dirigere la storia! NARRATORE: Dimmi almeno come ti chiami! VOCE: Anzhakatrum Makatunshah… o semplicemente Voce. NARRATORE: Ok Voce! VOCE: Tanto, ma tanto tempo fa, in un mondo molto strano, che sembra quasi alieno, ma vi giuro che non lo è, esistevano quattro nazioni…

A new series has started!

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It’s named Zukcoh & Pomodà, the story of two star-crossed lovers, kind of a wacky, cracky mix between Zuko and Katara, and Romeo and Juliet. But also not. You’ll see when it happens.