Tag: Adric di Alzarius

nuvole con le stelle

Edge of Castroduction

1: Oh wait there’s another police box there!Susan: Maybe it’s my own TARDIS from the future?Barbara: Let’s find out!*1 turns the visualizer on, revealing Team Fivey!Ian: Who are those people!?!Tegan: I could say the same of you four.Nyssa: I think they might be from our future…Adric: Or past!5: Huh! *turns to face the visualizer with…
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Ginger Fivey!

Tutti al McTraken

INT. CASA DI NYSSANyssa, Tegan, Turlough, Adric, e Fivey sono a casa diNyssa.NYSSARagazzi, vi ho convocati per unevento strepitoso!TEGANE quale? Per caso mi vuoi sposare?TURLOUGHL’Oriental Band ha inciso un nuovodisco?ADRICHai cucinato il khachapuri? O lepolpette di pol pot?FIVEYForse ha cucinato il Purikuya!NYSSANo, o quasi. Mio papá preferiva ilPurikuya, ma io oggi ho fondato unnuovo ristorante…
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