Tag: Classic Who

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Traken Returns

scene 1 The Fifteenth Doctor and Ruby Sunday are sulking about in the Fifteenth Doctor’s TARDIS. ruby So. Doctor. fifteenth doctor Yes? ruby So… Traken. It got destroyed. fifteenth doctor Yup. ruby Can we bring it back? fifteenth doctor It could cause an indestructible chain of events, which could cause our lives to turn out…
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Edge of Castroduction

1: Oh wait there’s another police box there!Susan: Maybe it’s my own TARDIS from the future?Barbara: Let’s find out!*1 turns the visualizer on, revealing Team Fivey!Ian: Who are those people!?!Tegan: I could say the same of you four.Nyssa: I think they might be from our future…Adric: Or past!5: Huh! *turns to face the visualizer with…
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Se Nyssa passa a Nizza, diventa pazza?

Uno scioglilingua con una storia importante. Perché, tutti pensano che Nyssa di Traken sia semplicemente, una che si chiama Nyssa che proviene da Traken. E invece la cosa é molto complicata, proprio come Toto Termini. Nyssa in realtà si chiamava Aloisia Emmeline van Eistbruck, e nacque a Nizza il 14 Ottobre 1933 da un papà…
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Se passa Nyssa, se Nyssa passa

Se passa Nyssa, se Nyssa passaSe Nyssa passa, con la prassiSe passa Nyssa, se Nyssa passaSe con la prassi…Passa Nyssa!

Pixar Nyssa